Are you starting to add events to your November calendar? Well here’s a can’t miss awesome event that should occupy November 9 and 10. Can you guess? I bet that if you’re reading this blog you know it’s The Over the Mountain Studio Tour ( So the next few blogs will give you a bit of a preview of who, what and where. For more information on each stop and a useful map go to the website above.
There are 11 stops with 21 artists so most stops have more than 1 artist and many of the stops include working studios, some working farms and a non-profit nature preserve. There’s something for everyone. Let’s start at Stop 1 with three artists exhibiting. It’s the home/studio of Anne Rule Thompson in Harpers Ferry. Anne (note her initials are ART and she must have been predestined to create) will show her dreamy encaustic paintings embellished with natural materials. Rose Mendez chimes in with her unique jewelry in copper, bronze and sterling many of which are handpainted botanical pieces. She’ll also feature some new crowns. Oh my! And rounding up Stop 1 is returnee to the tour, Mikkey Tarantino with her color filled paintings that span the serious to the wonderfully whimsical.
Head on to Stop 2 which is also in Harpers Ferry and is the working studio for Rock Fusion. Partners Evgeny (Jeweler and Lapidary artist) and Tatyana Zidarov (Glass Artist) are new to the Tour this year and we think you’ll love their beautiful and innovative work. Evgeny’s focus is always to showcase the natural beauty of the stones he works with, setting them in gold and silver. The bracelet pictured here features snakeskin jasper. In her part of the studio Tatyana is fascinated by color and passionate about art so she makes wondrous vessels and hangings in glass. Don’t miss this stop.
Stop 3 will take you to Shepherdstown and Jeni Walker’s Linden Spring Farm, home of Westvirjeni to see her contemporary floristry. She fashions jewelry, wedding flowers, table arrangements and more in unique ways. These are definitely not your 1-800 flowers.
And these are only the first three of 11 stops. Watch future blogs for those. You might want to plan both weekend days. Most of our visitors don't hurry. They stop and chat, asking a myriad of questions about techniques, inspiration and studio organization and just catch up on old friendships
